1 | 河堤出险,全村的人都赶去抢修。 | When the dyke was in danger , the whole village rushed out to repair it | |
2 | 后来我再度遭受船难,并差一点在这荒岛边淹死,我也毫无忏悔之意,也没有把此当作对我的报应。我只是经常对自己说,我是个"晦气鬼",生来要吃苦受罪。 | When again I was shipwreck’d, ruin’d, and in danger of drowning on this island, I was as far from remorse, or looking on it as a judgment; I only said to my self often, that I was an unfortunate dog, and born to be always miserable. | |
3 | 济公一生扶危济困、除暴安良、彰善惩恶的种种美德在人们的心目中留下了深刻的印象。 | Jigong was remembered by the people for his virtue and deeds to help those in danger , aid the needy, punish the evil and encourage the charity. | |
4 | 简正有危险成为一个嗜酒者,因此她到一家特殊的小型疗养院去戒酒。 | June was in danger of becoming an alcoholic and so she’s gone to a special nursing home to dry out. | |
5 | 结果是,维持生命的乳汁有被从教育抽干的危险。 | The result is that the life-giving juices are in danger of being drained out of education | |
6 | 举动轻率(罔顾自己的性命) | Behave so casually that one’s life is put in danger | |
7 | 吕布收了袁术的粮草,又收了刘备的求援信,他想:我若不救刘备,袁术得逞后我也危险;若我救刘备,袁术必恨我。于是,吕布让人把刘备和纪灵同时请来赴宴。 | If I remain an onlooker with folded arms,thought Lü, I will be in danger after Yuan defeats Liu. But if I help Liu, Yuan will be be resentful to me. So Lü invited both Liu Bei and Ji Ling to a banquet. | |
8 | 每一个不公正的判决都是对于法律以及负责实施法律的法官的谴责。如果法律处于可能要为不正义的危险之中,那么就应该让衡平法来进行救济。衡平法就是被用来缓解法律的刚性。 | Every unjust decision is a reproach to the law or the judge who administers it. If the law should be in danger of doing injustice, then equity should be called in to remedy it. Equity was introduced to mitigate the rigour of the law. | |
9 | 美国的救援人员及士兵在索马里正处于危险之中。 | American aid workers as well as soldiers were in danger in somalia | |
10 | 莫德尔的军队在巴斯托尼东北的豪法里兹有被包围的危险,1月8日他才接到准许撤退的命令。 | On January 8 Model, whose armies were in danger of being entrapped at Houffalize, northeast of Bastogne, finally received permission to withdraw | |
11 | 那艘搁浅快艇上的船只处于危险之中,但我们把他们救了出来。 | The crew of the stranded yacht were in danger but we got them off | |
12 | 那位老人病入膏肓,命在旦夕。 | The old man became very sick and his life was in danger . | |
13 | 然而,这个理想化的结构不能指出在集中荷载下面薄腹板处于屈曲危险的现象。 | This idealization would, however, disguise the fact that the thin web beneath the point load is in danger of buckling | |
14 | 人类赖以生存的地球已是岌岌可危。 | The earth upon which mankind depends for survival is in danger . | |
15 | 如果你在铁路轨道上行走那是很危险的。 | You will be in danger if you walk on a railway line. | |
16 | 如果一个人生活水平超越其财力许可的范围,那么就有危险在不远的将来,其生活将远远低于其正常水平。--斯迈尔斯 | The man who will live above his present circumstances is in danger of living, in a little time, much beneath him.-- Marcus P.Cato | |
17 | 如果这人坚持自由主义立场的“斗志”不是“较差”而是“较好”的话,那末,这人就有被拉走的危险。 | On the contrary, if his "fighting will" to cling to his liberalistic stand is not "rather weak" but "rather strong", he is in danger of being dragged away | |
18 | 世界经济发展很不平衡,南北差距进一步扩大,发展中国家在经济全球化进程中获益较少,有的面临被边缘化的危险。 | Economic development of the world is materially unbalanced, and the North-South gap is further widening. The developing countries have gained less from the economic globalization process, and some of them are in danger of being marginalized | |
19 | 他不再有生命危险了,但那真是死里逃生。 | His life is no longer in danger , but it was a close shave. | |
20 | 他根本没想到他的男孩会有危险 | He little thinks that his son is in danger . | |
21 | 他很迟都未睡觉,所以他担心会有睡过了头并且上班迟到的危险。 | He stayed up so late that he was afraid that he was in danger of oversleeping and being late for work | |
22 | 他裤子的膝盖那儿好像随时都有开绽的危险 | His nether garments appeared every moment in danger of flying asunder at the knees | |
23 | 他们之间的爱在危险时是力量,在忧伤时是安慰。 | Their affection is their strength in danger and their comforter in sorrow. | |
24 | 他面临着威信下降的危险,因为他霸占得太多了。 | By arrogating to himself too much, he was in danger of losing that degree of estimation to which he was entitled | |
25 | 他是个没有头脑的活跃分子,一个战争狂,在险境中寻到了充分显示男子汉气概的机会并急切地希望通过直接对抗证明自己是男子汉(孝瑟M.施莱辛格) | He was a mindless activist,a war lover,who found macho relish in danger and felt driven to prove manhood by confrontation(Arthur M.Schlesinger,Jr) | |
26 | 他虽然不像荪甫那样还有许多财产放在家乡,但是“先人庐墓所在”之地,无论如何不能不动心的。 | Though he had not so much property at stake in their home town as Wu Sun-fu had, it was inevitable that he should feel upset to hear that the place where he had’ his ancestral home and graveyard was now in danger | |
27 | 他有生命危险. | His life was in danger . | |
28 | 他再这样下去会丢掉工作的。 | He is in danger of losing his job if he goes on like this. | |
29 | 他自己的房子被人毁坏了,有一段时间他的生命也受到威胁。最后该州首府的政府律师说,公共汽车公司无权在车上把黑人和白分隔开来。 | His own house was destroyed and for some time his life was in danger . In the end government lawyers in the capital said that the bus company did not have the right to separate blacks from whites on its buses. | |
30 | 它每年还以1.2公厘的速度继续倾斜,一直处于倒塌的危险中。 | Subsiding at the rate of 0.03 in (1.2 mm)a year, the structure was in danger of collapse, |